Wednesday, 8 September 2010

The persuit of deliciousness.

Ok, so ive officially decided to make this about my misadventures with cooking.
You know you've seen pics showing recipes on forums and images boards.
And you know you've wanted to try them.
Ive set out to attempt them.

So, recently i tried white choc rainbow brownies.
Yeah, it looks something like that.

And i got to say, it was delicious
.Though i didnt make it rainbow coloured,
i DID add half a cup of macadamias

I, however, used too wide a pan, and well, it turned out quite flat.
Like, really flat. Flatsvill.
If you know anything about brownies, you'd know they're meant to be kinda thick.
But, that being said, it was still delicious, and I'm definitely going to be trying them again.
You should to!

And just tonight, i went and tried another thing that caught my eye:
Now, im rather partial to a chai latte.
One of my best mates works at a coffee shop, and he tends to hook me up.
But, since he doesn't live here, I've had to make my own.
Now, this one smelt great.
And it went a nice rich cinnamon-y colour.
But it didn't go "thick and soupy" as described there.
I think it may be because i didn't heat the water up enough to start off with,
nor did i keep it hot enough through out the process.
After an hour of standing there stiring, i decided to just give up for now.
Not being one to put something to waste however, i did mix it with milk.
And it was great. Though not quite how the recipy describes it.
I may attempt this again in the near future. If just to get the mix syrupy for later use.

So it turns out, that on standing it thickened up a bit.
There was a decent amount of liquid sitting on top, but underneath it was nice and thick.
Which leads me to believe that i wasn't too far from getting it right.

Well, that about sums up my experiments in the kitchen this week.
Tune in next week to see me attempt to make something else tasty.
I may even include pictures of me in action!

Till then, so long.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Garnering culinary skills

So the past couple of weeks ive gotten really into trawling
through forums for threads containing interesting things to try.
Life hack threads if you will.
And in every thread, always, a recipe will pop up.
Some of them look delicious, some of them look foul.
But me and a friend have set out to try these, and lot of the other things suggested.

Our first little adventure was a horrific experiment in bachelor living.
A log like substance known as 'Monfungu'
It consists of 2 minute noodles (ramen for those outside Aus) with slimjims cutup through it,
which is rolled up in a dough made of dorretoes and saladas (saltines)
It didnt work as intended and was pretty bad.

Then, whilst that craziness was going on,
i was trying this thing called a chicken crunch wrap.
Basically, you get some big ass flour tortillas and some small corn ones.
Then you fry up some chicken, and put it on the big tortilla with cheese,
then pile on the corn tortilla, and some tomato, lettuce and more cheese.
Wrap and grill in a sandwich press.

That was about a week or two ago now.
Today i'll be trying some Rainbow White Choc Brownies.
Thinking i might cut the rainbow bit and add macadamias.
We'll see how it goes and then i'll come back with results.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Hello world

It had to be done I suppose.

I don't have an awful lot to say at this point.
I really just needed a space to vent drunken ramblings about stuff that pisses me off.

:) Thanks for stopping by.